remote-work-fuer-IT startups

Remote work for IT startups is a topic that startup entrepreneurs should definitely address.
As a startup, you are often at a point where growth would be possible but is slowed down due to a lack of capacity. This is exactly the point where it makes sense – especially as an IT startup – to use the possibilities of remote work and to hire the required IT specialists quickly and easily via a competent partner. Here, we would like to remind you of the most important advantages of remote work. After all, you want your start-up to grow, become firmly established in the market, and be fit for the future!

Remote work for IT startups – these are the advantages you should know about 

Competence & Flexibility

The first two benefits of remote work for IT startups are the points of competence and flexibility. Let’s say your startup is planning to launch a new service or product in the market. You realize that the competencies of your skilled employees are tied to ongoing operations. Finding and hiring a new employee would be time-consuming and, more importantly, would take capacity away from daily operations. The agility of your company could suffer massively. With an experienced partner and specialist in remote work at your side, you get the competence and flexibility you need. The Outsourcing4work team has access to over 5,000 permanent IT professionals and can provide you with exactly the specialists you currently need to drive the growth of your startup within two to four weeks. This way, you and your team can continue to work in a future-oriented manner and focus on your core competencies. By working with us, on the one hand, no internal resources in the form of time and personnel are diverted from daily operations, and on the other hand, you remain flexible in regards to the IT specialists you need and can rely on the expertise of a renowned partner.

Costs & Security

Advantage number three is the issue of costs. Let’s take the above example of a new service or product again. Hiring an IT specialist on-site at your company would drive up fixed costs significantly and is one employee enough for your project? The engagement of remote IT specialists quickly turns these fixed costs into variable and, above all, plan able costs. You will be billed by the minute, there are no ancillary wage costs, and you also save on the room costs that would be incurred by additional employees on site.
The fourth advantage concerns the issue of security. A new employee usually needs time to find his way into the job. Internal processes have to be learned and the familiarization with the project needs time and again internal resources. With a partner like Outsourcing4work, you have access to a well-rehearsed digital infra and communication structure. Not only do you get the right IT specialist for your plans, but you also have a “well-established team” at your side in the background, which makes it easier for you to integrate the remote employee into your existing team and to work on your project. In this way, the time component can also be planned and implemented safely. Another advantage in terms of security is that with Outsourcing4work you work with a German company and all contracts are concluded according to German contract law.

Together towards the goal: Free initial consultation

You now know the most important advantages of remote work for IT startups. Our customers have been benefiting from exactly these advantages for many years.We work with a future-oriented model, with integrity and, above all, agile. Exactly these points also bring advantages for your projects and help you to realize the growth you are aiming for. Rely on a cost-efficient and flexible staffing solution with our remote model and benefit from our many years of experience in remote work.

Make an appointment for a free initial consultation now! Â