4 Ways to Maximize Efficiency and Productivity of Remote Work

Remote work is becoming increasingly popular since the pandemic. A fair percentage of people experienced a positive change in their productivity compared to when working in an office. Remote work allows people the flexibility of setting their work hours in which they are most productive. About 70% of professionals around the globe work remotely at least once a week, according to a study by IWG (formerly known as Regus). The study also showed that about 53% of people did remote work for half of the average week.   

However, even remote work has its disadvantages. One of the biggest setbacks remote employees face is isolation and distraction. It is as easy to lose focus in a relaxed setting as it is to be productive. Studies of 500 employees from Stanford University show that working remotely can lead to an increase in productivity. The key here is to maintain the efficiency and productivity of remote work. Luckily, if you feel your productivity is declining at home, here are four strategies you can adopt to maximize it.  

Stick to Regular Working Hours 

Flexible working hours are a blessing, especially if you are doubling as a remote worker and caretaker of your family. However, being inconsistent and flexing in and out of working hours too much can cause a decrease in overall productivity. So, the most basic thing to do is first to set your regular working hours and schedule. Sick to the routine and deliver consistent working hours.   

Sticking to regular working hours during remote work does not mean you have to be at your desk from 9 to 5, just like in a regular office. Ensure you’re available for important meetings and communication throughout the day. You should be available in those hours where you think your boss or manager is likely to contact you or hold a meeting. Other than that, you can choose to work in hours when you think you are most productive.   

Acquire Quality Technology 

If you are working remotely, you need to have a stable internet connection and the right equipment. It can get incredibly frustrating working with outdated equipment and lousy internet. Save yourself from embarrassment in the middle of a major discussion, make sure you have good connectivity along with reliable equipment.   

Before starting remote work, make sure to follow a checklist like the one below for maximum efficiency:  

  • Thoroughly search for a good internet provider.  
  • Research and compare the best plans from different providers. 
  • Always have a backup plan in case of emergencies.  
  • Keep all your equipment charged and ready before starting work. 
  • Have all the required software updated.  

The best thing to do is to purchase reliable and genuine devices that will work on a long-term basis. Furthermore, make sure you have the latest version of the applications and tools used by your company.   

Work on a Planner or a To-Do List 

You may think having an index of tasks, following it, and organizing it would be time-consuming. On the contrary, to-do lists and planners save you tons of time. With remote work, there are no friendly co-workers who would casually remind you of an important meeting or task and neither are we all super-humans who can be relied on to remember our schedules.   

Self-tracking is the best way to keep track of how you spend your time working remotely. Having a planner or a to-do list increases your work efficiency by guiding you directly to the activities and task you must do for the day as per your preferences. For instance, you can create a to-do list per week based on which tasks are deadline-sensitive and which tasks should be treated as the highest priority. In this way, you get to manage your work and reach goals efficiently without losing a lot of time. Furthermore, this approach helps you in long-term planning as well.   

Many experts consider a planner as an accountability tool where you can keep track of critical information and your availability. You can even include your personal commitments in the planner to better manage your time.   

Adopt a Healthy Active Routine 

Your physical and mental well-being is as important as your work. Do not forget that if you are mentally or physically stressed, you will not be able to work with maximum efficiency. Therefore, you need to be proactive if you want to increase your productivity by working from home. You can plan out a few activities such as exercising or yoga, producing a refreshing morning and evening routine, taking breaks, and even taking a stroll. Since you work alone, all these activities will keep your mind fresh and relaxed.   

In terms of a healthy routine, here are a few things you can do: 

  • Do not skip out on lunch or breaks.  
  • Take a short stroll to get fresh air.  
  • Add a proper break-time schedule to your routine.  
  • Stay fit by following an effective exercise routine.  
  • Interact with colleagues and friends in break time.  
  • Do not cut down the recommended sleeping hours.  
  • Try not to sleep in late and work early.  
  • Try yoga and meditation for increased focus and reduced stress levels.  
  • Try to dress up for work.  
  • Maintain your work spot and clear your desk after you are done. 

Are You Struggling in Hiring People for Remote Work? 

It is not easy to recruit the best remote talent out there. With so many companies turning to remote work as an effective and productive alternative, your traditional recruiting strategies might not grab the attention of remote workers, especially remote IT workers. Before you waste your time and resources, why not turn to Outsourcing4work?   

One of the best IT and human resource services platform in Germany, Outsourcing4work is your best option if you are looking to hire immediately.