Web Technologie Spezialisten

If you are looking for employees to work on individual web technologies, it is no longer common to use an all-rounder. In the last fifteen years, what were initially fairly simple web technologies have evolved into highly complex speciality areas.

You can admire the results in your web browser – behind the most popular web presences you will often no longer find static websites, but instead dynamic web applications. These display content to the user depending on device type, user data that is anonymous or able to be seen, screen size and many other parameters, and can also be used interactively.

Important web technologies at a glance

Content management systems (CMS) have become online leaders, thanks to their simplicity and flexibility. A CMS is a ready-made software package that can be installed on a web server without much effort. It provides a back end for the design and operation of the website. Rather than programming the entire website code themselves, a web developer will make the necessary adjustments to the CMS itself. Templates are used for the design, and plugins add any functions that are still needed for the page.

If you can believe the figures from W3Techs, around one-third of all internet sites run on a CMS. WordPress dominates this market with a share of almost 60%.

Content management systems themselves belong to the group of web applications. There are countless other types of web applications in addition to CMS, such as Facebook, Spotify Web Player, the Skype web app or small open source projects such as OwnCloud. Behind almost every interactive website you find web applications that run as programs on a web server, and the browser only takes on the user inputs and outputs.

The LAMP Stack is used for most web applications. LAMP stands for the combined use of Linux as an operating system, Apache as the web server, MySQL as database software and PHP as the programming language for the web application.

In the meantime, PHP frameworks are also used as part of the web technologies for LAMP web applications.

PHP web applications are comprised of hundreds or even thousands of PHP and HTML files in a complex structure. Nowadays, hardly anyone produces pure code as it would just be too complex.

Frameworks instead of raw program code

Instead of pure code work, PHP frameworks are used which make the development work, management and versioning much easier. The developer programs individual areas directly into the framework, which then generates the PHP application with all the files and specific code elements. Every PHP framework requires special knowledge and experience.

PHP web applications which are especially complex are often realised with Zend or Symfony PHP frameworks. It is not easy to learn to use them skilfully, and it requires a long training period to be able to use them. Even PHP frameworks which are less complex such as CodeIgniter, Yii or CakePHP need to be learned first, and have their own technical problems.

In addition to PHP, ASP.NET also plays a significant role in technologies for web applications, websites and web services, and is used in nearly 16% of all websites. Although this might not sound like a large percentage, it actually puts it onto second place overall.

ASP.NET web programs need to be run on a Windows server. A programming language supported by .NET like C++, C#, Perl or Python can be used for the program code, which then also falls into the field of web technologies.

Outsourcing for web technologies

When choosing a specific web technology, you should not only look at the development cost, since in long-term operation other cost factors often play an even more important role. In addition to the hardware and data transfer volume, the future viability is also a factor to be considered.

However, there is also the option of Outsourcing web development to India. Outsourcing4work can help you and provide you with excellent professionals for every web technology. With our comprehensive approach our project managers and we guarantee efficient and top-quality implementation, even for complex projects. You can also conclude the contract directly with us for your security, which saves you effort and gives you legal certainty.