Web developers from all sector

Web developers are specialised software developers in web technologies. They were primarily HTML developers in the early days of the internet, and now the field of work of the web developer has changed decisively.

The formerly static pages with images and texts have been replaced with highly complex applications which generate content dynamically when called upon. With a wide range of various programming languages, web developers develop these applications that run on web servers. In addition to technical skills, web developers also often have experience in the fields of requirements analysis, software architecture or test concepts.

What exactly does a web developer do?

Web developers are often self-employed or freelancers, but also employees in media and internet agencies, or in the IT departments of larger organisations and companies.

The term web developer is not a protected professional designation, which means that you will find a wide range of some very special abilities for specific web technologies under the title. They generally cover code-based work and work in interdisciplinary teams with designers, marketing experts, editors and web business strategists.

Nowadays, among the standard tasks of web developer you will find:

  • Requirements analysis in close consultation with the client
  • Specification of software design and software architecture
  • Selection of and setting up the required development tools
  • Determining database design
  • Programming or customization of server and client code
  • Setting up of automated tests, as well as update and backup routines
  • Maintenance and operation of existing online presence

The field of web software development is now so complex that many web developers have specialised in one of the following main areas:

  • Development of front-end/client environments
  • Server or backend development
  • Software architecture
  • Database management

For all of these areas, the typical technologies for today’s web servers and browsers are used which every web developer should be experienced in:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • SQL

For frontend and backend developers, then each additional skill such as responsive design, server-side programming languages and server or client side frameworks also play a role.

Certifications for web developers

For the individual areas of web developer expertise, there are globally recognized certifications which are offered by various institutions. Some examples are the PHP certifications from the company Zend, MySQL certifications from Oracle, as well as by MTA and MCSD certifications carried out by Microsoft.

Based on references, existing experience and certification services you can quickly get a feel for the services of a web developer. International comparability is also very much possible, which leads to a large proportion of foreigner web developers in modern IT companies.

Indian web developers for cost savings

If you are looking for a highly qualified and affordable web developer, Outsourcing4work can help you in a flexible way. We are specialised in Outsourcing to India, with more than twenty years of experience in web application development.

Thanks to our extensive partner network we will easily find a suitable web developer for every area. You can then either virtually include the developer in your project, or you then outsource the entire development process to India. You have the choice of having your project realised at a fixed price, or if you’d like temporary or dedicated employees, or a branch (light).

Our European project managers who are experienced in Agile, Scrum and Kanban will ensure problem-free collaboration between you and the Indian partners. You won’t run into any contractual or payment issues as you will conclude your contract directly with us as a European company. We then take care of the rest.